Publicado em 7 de março de 2013 às 10:40

U.S. flights are canceled due to snowstorm

About 2600 flights were canceled in Washington and schools were closed due to the storm that hit several states in the U.S.. About four people died on roads that were covered with ice.

The storm began late on Tuesday (5) in the north, in Chicago, with over 30 centimeters of snow piling up in the streets. O’Hare Airport had to cancel about 900 flights. Other 260 flights were changed in another airport in the region.

The Congress was also affected by the storm. Many meetings were postponed or transferred, and important votes on the budget of the country were also suspended. Federal offices in Washington will be reopened on Thursday (7).

Currently, the blizzard is toward the east. The city of New York, is expected to snow layer reaches 10 cm. It is recommended that passengers search for information of the conditions of the airport before moving to them.