Publicado em 15 de fevereiro de 2013 às 11:22

Approved merger between U.S. Airways and American Airlines

It was approved by the boards of directors of the group of American Airlines and U.S. Airways the merger between the two companies after meeting on the evening of Wednesday (13).

This merger creates the largest airline in the world and will help the American out of the difficult situation of bankruptcy in, which the company is since 2011.

The group will keep the name American and will possess a market value of approximately $ 11 billion, while its larger competitors, Delta and United Airlines, have market values ​​of $ 12.4 billion and $ 8.7 billion, respectively.
With this merger, the company will offer 6,700 daily flights to 336 destinations among 56 countries.

Former American Airlines creditors, according to the agreement, will retain 72% of the new company while the rest will be the shareholders of the company.

The deal still needs the approval of the board of U.S. antitrust and other U.S. authorities.