Publicado em 14 de fevereiro de 2013 às 12:25

How to enjoy your trip without problems with connections

The term “connection” means the exchange of aircraft on a stop during a trip. For your trip goes smoothly, it is important to be aware of the time of your connections and watching the informations about your flight by the airport monitors.

However, so you can safely manage the time of your trip, some measures can be taken before buying your tickets and during the journey itself.

Try to adjust the duration of the connection at each airport. If there is a need to go through immigration in the city where the connection is made, avoid buying tickets with the connection time less than 2 hours. In addition to delays, long lines, and weather conditions must be taken into consideration because they often can delay the process further.

Generally, when delays occur for reasons related to the airport (immigration queue, delays in their flight arrival or weather conditions), the airline is willing to seat the passenger in the next available flight.

If you are interested in touring the city where the connection is being made, make sure that the time is safe for you to exit the airport, walk around the city and still return to the airport at least two hours in advance. Unjustifiable delays may yield a cost on your trip.

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