GRU - SP - Brazil

Government of São Paulo examines path waterway to Guarulhos airport

15 de outubro de 2012

Government examines a project that provides an “airport express” that sail the rivers Pinheiros and Tietê bound for Guarulhos.

The project would be a hybrid vessel, with an isolated environment and air conditioning that would prevent the user had contact with the stench of rivers, and creating a stream that would connect Guarulhos route to the river.

According to the director of the Department of State Bureau of Waterways and Transport Logistics, Casemiro Tércio Carvalho, this would be one of the cheaper alternatives and green to make this journey.

The project is being studied for use in the World Cup 2014, but may leave the paper if the government find interested private enterprise to manage it and the prices are not exorbitant. Moreover, the arrival of the subway to the airport Cumbica can derail investment in transport nautical.

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